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February 08, 2013


Dianna Marks

Yeah! Does this mean that there will be a Spring Girl, Summer Boy and Summer Girl patterns? I am so excited. It is a long time coming and we are expecting child #3.

Elizabeth Stites

Yea! So adorable! I've been waiting for Spring boy and I love it. Your designs are so wonderful and fun to stitch!


Hooray! I love "X"! Thank you very much.


looking fwd to a summer girl for my Olivia!


Thanks! =) Original ideas, Brooke.

Love that it's not a xylophone :D

Brooke Nolan

THANK YOU so much, Dianna, Elizabeth, Vickie, NorseArcher & Lily for your sweet comments. I so appreciate you guys.
Diane...Yes, yes and yes. Although Spring Baby Girl is already available. You can view it here: Just scroll down below the Spring Boy listing to see it. But I am working on the Summer Baby Boy and Girl right now and hoping to have it available in the next month or so. Let me just say, I'm having too much fun with these Summer Lines...Hint: Tiny Hawaiian flip flops...teeny swimsuit with skirt...Don't you just love babies?


I am working on the Spring Baby boy and noticed that the kite pattern doesn't have the white? Cross stitches. Is that a typo?

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